The superstar writes his first column in dna After Hrs o
science and superstition. Tells us how he feels
pressured by the 140-character Twitter limit and new
words like twerking. Read on.
Shah Rukh Khan
Just a few days back my friends at the dna paper calle
upon me to write a monthly column for their newspaper
A Common perception about actors is that they are
incompetent at everything other than acting (and some
are supposedly incompetent at that too). We aren't
exactly meant to have other interests (well, except of
the controversial kind) but as it happens, I do. I like to
Of late I have spent time on twitter like we all do and o
the internet in general. The combined pressure of 140
alphabet limit and reading new words like
'Twerking' (described aptly by someone on the net as
'masquerading an ass seizure as dancing'), has made
me believe that I could contribute to the all round well
being of the society with my writings also. What
actually convinced me was, that if Hashtags # (a sign
we earlier used for cuss words), can convey emotions,
then my words on paper can also seem like pearls of
wisdom and its about time my smart, genius side
became public. So I decided to grab the axe and hack
my foot myself by entering into 12 such potentially
earth shattering observations of the world around me.
I have thus come up with the "brilliant" and "original"
idea of writing about the 12 Sun Signs. But wait...This
isn't your usual weekly or daily astro prediction column
That is best left to Mr. Bejan Daruwala, Marjorie Orr or
Linda Goodman. I just think it's a good place to start.
12 Columns, 12 Sun Signs, 12 traits I can write about.
So I will pick the traits of these 12 Sun Signs and
choose one that stands out the most then I'll write
around it. I'll write my personal experience, my point of
view or just something I see happening around me.
Confused. Ok, read on.
This month we begin with Libra.
Librans are known for balance and harmony. The word
balance tends to convey stillness, but oddly I look at
balance as something that we need in life to keep
things moving. It's something that we all have to
do...everyone from a tightrope walker to an accountant
requires balance. An accountant has to balance debit
with credit, while a star has to balance a public life wit
a private life. Most people have to balance lies and
truth, or right and wrong. In my years of experience, on
of the most intriguing balances I have had to find is
that between Science and Superstition.
In India we are intrinsically tied to Superstition. It's a
natural nuance of our lives. I am a science student (ove
90 percent in Electronics if I may add). This does not
mean that I can open up a piece of electronic equipmen
and put it back together again. On that front I am like
everybody else in the world: left holding one little
'gizmoic' part of the equipment, scratching my head,
wondering, "where was this supposed to fit?" but more
about this in another column.
Being of a scientific bent of mind, I always take the
scientific course of action. If a part of my body is
disintegrating or broke, I am more than willing to
change it at the hands of an expert, namely a Surgeon.
have had eight such removals and implants done over
the course of 20 years.
Thankfully, so far, no surgeon has come to me post
operation and quizzed, "Eh, SRK I have this little piece
of green spleen left-over from last night's procedure,
can you tell me if it belongs to you or then it could be
bed number 42's."
So I am a believer of science and its many benefits.
Having said that, I would still not go for a bungee jump
or do a skydive on Friday the 13th. Hashtag # Just
Some years ago I was faced with the balancing act of
weighing my scientific bent against superstition. One
evening I got to know my spine had a prolapsed disc
and I had to go under the knife. It's a big surgery. It's
considered equivalent to a brain surgery (from which I
might just have benefitted more!) because it involves th
spinal cord.
As it happens, it also proved to be one of the grandest
acts of equanimity I
Naveed Akthar
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