Balki and Shah Rukh Khan have joined hands for a social cause. The director recently shot a short film with the actor, and it is scheduled to release on March 8.
A source close to the director told TOI, "Balki met SRK some time back in Mumbai and discussed the subject. The script is a very sensitive one, and he wanted SRK to be the face of the project. This was followed by a string of meetings, which were kept under wraps to avoid unnecessary speculation, till such time the director managed to convince the actor."
The film deals with a current social issue but the source refused to divulge more saying, "We are not in a position to reveal the plot. It's releasing on March 8, which is Women's Day." Going by the date of release, it is likely the film deals with women's issues.
SRK has shot his part and Balki is in the process of editing it. This is their first project together but reportedly, the duo bonded well during the shoot and were overheard talking about world cinema and the French new wave.
A source close to the director told TOI, "Balki met SRK some time back in Mumbai and discussed the subject. The script is a very sensitive one, and he wanted SRK to be the face of the project. This was followed by a string of meetings, which were kept under wraps to avoid unnecessary speculation, till such time the director managed to convince the actor."
The film deals with a current social issue but the source refused to divulge more saying, "We are not in a position to reveal the plot. It's releasing on March 8, which is Women's Day." Going by the date of release, it is likely the film deals with women's issues.
SRK has shot his part and Balki is in the process of editing it. This is their first project together but reportedly, the duo bonded well during the shoot and were overheard talking about world cinema and the French new wave.
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